
This site is for me to share with you technical hints and tips, stories and hobbies of mine which range from Ham Radio to SWL to Electronics, to Electrical, I.T. basically anything. I’ll be posting and embedding links and videos of informative articles plus I’ll try and maintain a library and archive of some interesting snippets. This is not a Blog where you can reply as everyone has their own way of doing things and my demonstrations may not be the way you do it. However enjoy and call back regularly as I am to upload new information regularly.

I have been writing simple websites for a few years and shared basic skills with interested friends who have now produced their own great sites. I am not a fan of in-your-face advertising, this website is hosted by Hostinger whom I have used for the last 6 years and have been very happy with their excellent service. If you haven’t got a website already or do have but are not happy with their service, I recommend trying them out. Click the Hostinger link and it will open a new tab for you to browse.

This simple website is using WordPress which is really simple to get going and there are many YouTube videos that will help you along.

A personal website or blog will get you on the world’s stage, make it clean and not too flashy and put it in your CV, if I am looking at CVs and you have stated you have a website, I will go and have a look; this will tell me more about you than a basic CV. SO include what you have done, what you’re interested in, what you have achieved. Just do it right now.

If you want to try for free, yes, FREE! Visit https://www.000webhost.com

000Webhost is powered by Hostinger so what are you waiting for? Signup and get a free website then install WordPress, add a cool theme and start putting in content.